Monday, May 25, 2009

Some new pictures

Little by little I am gathering the pieces that will become my new home. (geee.....sounds like poem....I have to throw up a little bit)

The guys are working on the bathroom and as soon as that is all done, I will be able to live in the condo. 

I wonder if I have any readers left.....if I do, here are some pics!

Checking out if this fabric will work for the pillows my mom is making for me.

I hate choices!

We went to IKEA the other day! (I love that place) I bought a bed, a dresser and some bookshelves. My dad is helping me build the stuff. I am handing him screws.

Friday, May 15, 2009


I love all this too!

Plan for the weekend:
*clean the kitchen and move stuff in 
*IKEA!! (buy a bed, sheets, blankets, dresser)
*go get old furniture from my grand parents old house (desk, rocking chair and some chairs)
*finish painting the spool-tables

Gonna be busy!!! But it's fun!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Stopped by the condo today. The floor looks beautiful!

Monday, May 11, 2009

I can't stop looking at these!!!
I love these handpainted cups, plates and pots. Love, love, love!!! They have such a cute website too!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

.::The Colors of my Condo::.

I just got back from the condo. It is starting to look pretty nice now! Check out the pictures I took today and don't forget to leave comments!

Lots of paint buckets in the kitchen.

I am pretty satisfied with the green paint I picked. The picture doesn't really do it justice.

Here we are! The raspberry wall is done!

This is the sand beige color in the living room.

My raspberry wall makes a great backdrop for pictures. You are all welcome to my place for funny pictures.

Friday, May 8, 2009

The complicated wall

Oh Goodness!
The one crazy decision I made about the wall colors has backfired!

I was on a retreat with work, my dad calls me and says "OMG Maria, what have you done? The color is horrible. You mother says it's horrible, the painters say it's horrible. What are you gonna do? We all hate it, but are the one who will have to deal with it when you live there."

Yesterday I went to the condo and took a look at the wall. It wasn't THAT bad. Sure, it had a little more blue in it than I had wanted. Now, we have changed it to a tone with a touch more yellow in it. We'll see what happens.

I have also finalized the green! Pheeew! I am not gonna use wallpapers in the hallway, I am gonna paint freehand instead! White flowers! I am so excited!

I can't wait to move in!

Plan for the weekend: Book the floor-guys, finalize the bathroom.



Ps. This is the American-inspired place I went to with work. It is all New England-Lexington inspired. It is absolutely awesome!!!! I love it!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Got some stuff!!!

Today I think I have been pretty productive,  I even got some time with my coffee in the sun!
I went to a store called Skåne Plantor. Then I rested a little bit and then I went to IKEA. I was able to gather some stuff for my condo. I AM REALLY excited today and I can't wait to move in!!!! 

 I got some old apple boxes that I will use as side tables. They are really cool and rugged. Morris loved sitting on them. Too bad I am not allowed to bring him to the condo. 

I haven't found my bird cage yet, but I did find this awesome thing today. I will put tiny little pots in it and grow tiny little plants. I think it will look great in my bedroom window!

Here I am sanding one of the "spools" I borrowed from a construction site. I am gonna use them as my coffee table. I love them. Growing up I read books about tiny trolls who stole sewing spools from humans and used them as tables. Now I have my own spool-tables! I love them!

There is this lamp that I saw on a decorating show on TV a couple of months ago. I totally fell in love with it, did some research and found out that it came from IKEA! I went to IKEA and they said that they didn't have it in stock yet. I checked the store a couple of times and they didn't have it. I saw online today that they had 15 in stock, the shipment came in today. (awesome website!!) Today I went there, asked for the lamp. The girl said: "You are really lucky, we got a shipment of 18 lamps today. There is ONE left!!" Can you believe it, they sold all of them in one day. It is from the IKEA PS Collection (meaning they have fewer if it), it is called Maskros (Dandelion.) 

Tomorrow I am gonna go wall paper searching one last time. Then I am going to the woods to take pictures of trees and flowers that I will blow up really large and make art work for the walls. The weather is great! SPRINGTIME in Sweden!


The pressure is on! We have a three-day-weekend which gives me plenty of time to finalize stuff for the condo. I wanna sit in the sun and relax though......

I am off to try to find an antique bird cage for my window.


Ps. Nina, come home!!!!!